Meet Ari …

Hey! I’m Arianna/Ari, an abstract artist in Hampshire!  

I discovered painting 15 years ago and now paint full time. My main goal with my art is to bring joy, spark inspiration, curiosity and bring peace to a home!

I paint floral bouquets, mix media graffiti style pieces or my most popular florals against a sea backdrop, usually inspired by my childhood travels to Cornwall. 

I believe strongly in finding the beauty in imperfections and embracing the “messy”, a term used to diminish many young creatives. Showing love to chaotic creative energies and empowering the colourful and weird in our lives.

I studied Fashion at Arts Bournemouth University, with the big hopes of getting a design job, only to find I hated the interview process. Alongside searching for a job, I was slowly selling my art. The feeling of not wanting to be told what to do, who to be or where to work that catapulted me into wanting to become a fulltime artist. I now sell my work worldwide through my website and found the joy in posting online and meeting more like-minded creatives.

Like most entrepreneurs, competing against yourself is more fun than competing against others. My business allows me the opportunity of working collaboratively with other artists and brands, lifting and supporting independent and local businesses, something that I am passionate about.

And when I’m not making a whole lot of art mess, I’m off walking my old English sheep dog-Bear, travelling as much as my pocket lets me, listening to crime books until the scare me from sleeping and tormenting my friends and family with shopping hauls/fashion shows!